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Seeing through the veil


Cardinal Direction - End Day Prophecies

I believe besides the obvious usage of the “ideas and words”, paints another picture entirely which then must be applied to all prophesy, which then answers many questions concerning where all those evil, end of days satanic monsters and previously locked-away evil souls come from to destroy mankind in those days... 

And, in order for the souls caught in the Southern-BELOW creation space to RETURN to their original habitation ABOVE, those souls would have to venture into the DARKNESS-ABOVE them to go NORTH-Qedemah to RETURN back to that HIDDEN place – EDEN!...

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1967 Warning of Satanic-Global takeover & Enslavement

This has been the greatest head-fake of all time! To make themselves socially synonymous with those they seek to destroy - The true Hebrews! While at the same time usurping our Hebrew Nationality and using our people's plight of mass-destruction as their own war-cry against anyone coming against them who may divulge their true identity and agenda, as being ANTI-SEMITES!

Being so old and so completely accurate and now contemporary again, makes it epically important and utterly shocking to those people who are only now in the last 2 yrs hearing some of these points...

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Life is in the Blood!

"It’s being tested in patients over the age of 35 as part of a clinical trial called ambrosia! 

The rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity — is now a reality and an actual business in the United States. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it...."

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Water Levitating - Clemson University Tests

Maybe then, the gain in frequency eventually causes the WATER-BODY to eject, leaving only the living-soul behind intact. And possibly leaving the soul here, in the same place as we see written in the prophets and also stated by Yehshua. AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF ADAM.

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Rockefeller University Study says Genesis Story is Accurate

“We now have two decades’ worth of direct measurements of the rate at which human mtDNA mutates, and it matches exactly the 6,000-year timescale and rejects the evolutionary timescale (see ‘Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve’ and references therein),” he wrote. “Thus, taking Stoeckle and Thaler’s results to their logical conclusion, we can revise their statement to ‘Modern human [mitochondrial DNA] originated from conditions that imposed a single sequence on these genetic elements’ about 6,000 years ago.....”
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Satan's Reptilian Death Hand

Festive Satanic statue added to Illinois Statehouse

Facebook/The Satanic Temple - Chicago Chapter

"The statue depicts that hidden-hand, while also providing other significant nuances that paint the picture as I have shown it to be in the Asher Codex book; a reptilian (Seraphim) entity which fooled them into murdering and most certainly consuming the flesh of the animals in that Garden setting....."

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Truthful Emerging Science Proving DNA Coupled to Vegetation & Bio-organisms

"What is this “new holobiont” of which they speak? Consider the traditional holobiont concept which introduced the radical idea that humans are “ecological units,” and are best defined as being comprised of all the species which inhabit it, including the viruses, bacteria, archaea, fungi, and even other animals like helminths, as part of its microbiome. But this view did not include vegetal or animal contributions of microRNAs, represented by our food....."

  Had I not taught for years and finally published the books - The Land of Meat & Honey and Soul Revolution in past years and prior to emerging science and articles such as this one, you would believe I based my conclusions on their work. 

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Israeli Defense Force Soldiers Going Vegan

I have been shown an Israeli scholar that teaches much the same thing as I have been for thirty years now. He is quite excellent, and if you listen or read carefully (subtitles in Vid-links below), you will see that he not only teaches from many of the exact same Torah & Prophets text that I have used to prove the existence of the forgotten 1st law, but he also teaches them in the identical order as I have in my books.  
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How humans are not physically created to eat meat

“You are what you eat”, is a slogan that I love to use to show the mental aspect of vegetarianism. When animals are slaughtered, fear and aggression enzymes are shot into their muscle tissue. They remain in the meat until the consumer ingests the flesh and adapts the same emotions. Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and putrefaction of meat in the colon. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. Meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans. This is due to its incomplete combination of amino acids [the building blocks of protein]. Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients; the very thing the body needs to live a long disease and pain-free life. The same cannot be said for meat. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances of meat. 
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The False, "Plant" Sentience Argument of the Blind and Unwise

"Meat eaters who use this argument are typically attacking vegans on two contradictory fronts. On the one hand, they say that humans and animals are different, and these differences explain why meat eating is okay. Then with “what about plants?” they do the opposite, linking all of creation together — "All-One!” as Dr. Bronner would say. Unfortunately, by dismissing the distinction between killing plants and killing non-human animals for food by linking them together through aliveness, they also erase the distinction between killing plants and killing humans. "
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